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Lesson 6: School of the Lion
The Lion: Cure for Apathy
and Ineffectiveness
by Richard Kinney

God wants to be with us and have communion with us more than just telling us what to do and micromanage our lives. Communion energies our souls and spirits and empowers us to do things He wants us to do when they come along. We need to get out of false lines of competition. Very little good comes from it. We don't want to compare ourselves to others—you will become more like those you compare yourself to. Instead compare yourself to Jesus and become more like Him. Competition with others is trying to find a place for yourself when you already have one. It is hard to love someone you are even in subtle competition with. What will happen if we give up competing and learn to love and be loved? We will grow spiritually a lot faster. We have an innate desire to be valued, desired and found fascinating. What happens when we do not get this directly from God? We are hungry and will reach out for a semblance of value by being found fascinating by other people or groups.

Lesson 6:  The Lion: Cure for Apathy and Ineffectiveness

Below you will an audio and a transcript of the lesson; study and personal application questions; 

a prayer, scripture and finally a quiz on the class with an answer key. Click on the link.

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